Nightmare of a dog owner: a lost pet. According to American Humane 10 millions of pets are go missing every year in the U.S. Unfortunately those ones without an identification are unlikely to reunite with their owners. So now you can see, why is so important to safely identify your little precious one.


Whenever you adopt a pet make sure to put a collar with a tag on the animal before to step out of the house. The reason for this is because the new environment can be stressful for them. Remember, it’s a new family member and you don’t yet have a relationship built with that pet. So it’s important to get that tag before you go to pick up that animal.

I recommend a lightweight plastic one. It’s easy to print on them, and they come in pretty eye-catching colors, difficult not to notice them, and they don’t get scratched or worned like some of the metal ones.

Some idea what to put on them:

The usual is to put the Pets name, and a phone number, standard thing. I encourage you to put, either address as well, or the word REWARD, to give more of an incentive to people who might find your dog/cat, to return the animal to you. You also could put “Scan me for Chip”, to let people know, that your pet is microchipped. If you move make sure to update your pet Id-tag and/or microchip.

Why all the pets should be microchipped?

In case the collar falls of, gets lost, his pet tag becomes useless. That’s why microchipping is so crucial as a reliable mean to identify your furry family member.

A microchip is small capsule, more like the size of grain of rice, inserted under the skin of the animal, near the shoulder blades. When scanned, it has an identification number that can be tracked back to you through the microchip company. Usually your details are on their website in their database. That’s why it is so important to keep your details up to date.